Sex Crime Defense

We Defend Those Accused of Every Type of Crime

Phoenix Sex Crimes Attorney

Experienced Sex Crime Defense Law Firm in Phoenix, AZ – Available 24/7

Experienced Arizona Sex Crime Attorney

Perhaps no other crime you can be charged with carries the stigma associated with sex crime allegations. Sex crime cases can also be extremely emotionally charged and complex given the nature of the alleged sex offense, but at the Belén Law Firm, we know there are two sides to every story. As a seasoned Phoenix sex crimes attorney, Belén Olmedo Guerra understands the complexities surrounding the preparation and execution of a successful sex crime defense, as well as the severity of the punishment her clients may face if convicted. That’s why she and her dedicated legal team work hard to provide thorough and aggressive defense for those facing sex crime charges in Phoenix, Arizona and the surrounding areas. 

Belén has successfully handled a number of high-profile cases in Arizona, but she treats all of her clients like high-profile cases, providing personalized attention and dedicated support throughout the entire process. Rest assured, she and her team have the legal skills, resources, and courtroom experience required to defend against even the toughest sex crime charge.

If you have been accused of committing a sex crime in Phoenix, AZ you’re up against some serious consequences. To protect your freedom and future, it’s essential for you to craft the strongest possible defense strategy to fight back against your charges with the help of a Phoenix criminal defense attorney from the Belén Law Firm. 

Time is of the essence, so be sure to call (602) 715-0908 or send a message online to schedule your free consultation with an experienced sex crime lawyer at our firm right away.

Phoenix Sex Crimes Defense Attorney

Aggressively Defending Various Sex Crimes in Arizona

In Arizona, sex crime charges can be classified as either misdemeanors or felonies, each carrying their own distinct penalties and consequences. Misdemeanor sex offenses, such as indecent exposure or public sexual indecency, generally result in less severe punishments, including fines, probation, and a minor jail sentence. 

However, felony sex crimes, like sexual conduct with a minor, sexual assault, and child molestation, come with much harsher penalties and lasting repercussions. These can include lengthy prison sentences, substantial fines, mandatory registration as a sex offender, and lifetime probation with sex offender terms. Of course, the severity of the penalties depends on the nature of the sexual conduct, the age of the victim, and the presence of any aggravating factors.

A conviction for any sex crime charge (and even simply an allegation) can also have long-term effects on a person’s personal life and reputation. Beyond the immediate legal penalties, individuals often face widespread social stigma, difficulty securing employment, and strained personal relationships. Mandatory registration as a sex offender can further restrict where they live, work, and travel, creating ongoing challenges long after their sentence has been served. 

At the Belén Law Firm, we understand the lasting impact these charges can have and are dedicated to providing aggressive criminal defense for clients accused of sex crimes in Phoenix and the surrounding Central AZ areas. Take a look at some of the most common sex crime cases we handle:

Sexual assault in Arizona is defined under ARS §13-1406. This offense may be more commonly known as rape and involves engaging in sexual acts with a person without their consent. These acts include sexual intercourse as well as oral sexual contact. Under this statute, sexual assault is typically considered a Class 2 felony in Arizona

For a first offense, the minimum prison sentence is 5.25 years, the presumptive sentence is 7 years, and the maximum is 14 years. Penalties for sexual assault increase with the presence of one or more historical priors. 

Here are some more important things to know about sexual assault in Arizona:  

  • If the act involved the intentional and knowing administration of a “date rape drug,” the minimum, maximum, and presumptive sentences are all increased by three years. 
  • If the sexual assault involved the intentional or knowing infliction of serious bodily harm, the imposed sentence may increase to life imprisonment without the possibility of probation or parole until at least 25 years have been served.
  • If the offender was 18 years or older and the victim was 12 years or younger, the crime would be charged under the Arizona Dangerous Crimes Against Children statute.
  • Under ARS §13-1423, the use of a deadly weapon in the commission of the offense is an aggravating factor that enhances the offense to violent sexual assault, which is punished by life imprisonment with no possibility of release.

Under ARS §13-140, sexual abuse in Arizona occurs when someone intentionally or knowingly engages in sexual conduct with another person without his or her consent. You may be charged with sexual abuse in Phoenix if the victim was 15 years or older or if the victim was 14 years or younger and the sexual contact only involved the female breast. (If the victim is 14 or younger and the conduct involves the genitals or anus, it is considered child molestation rather than sexual abuse.)

If the alleged victim is 15+ years, the offense is considered a Class 5 felony in Arizona, but if the victim is below the age of 15, it is a Class 3 felony.

ARS §13-1405 covers sexual conduct with a minor in Arizona, also known as “statutory rape.” Arizona defines this act as intentionally or knowingly engaging in sexual intercourse or oral sexual contact with someone who is under Arizona’s age of consent, which is 18 years old. If the victim was 15 and older, it it typically charged as a Class 6 felony, but for minors under the age of 15, charges increase to a Class 2 felony.

Sexual misconduct in Arizona, as found under Arizona Revised Statutes §13-1418, involves misconduct by a behavioral health professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist. Behavioral health professionals may not legally engage in sexual relations unless the physician-patient relationship has been dissolved. This is a class 6 felony in Arizona.

Arizona law covering child molestation can be found under ARS §13-1410. According to this statute, child molestation occurs when an offender intentionally or knowingly engages or causes someone to engage in sexual contact, except sexual contact with a female breast (see sexual abuse charges above), with a child who is under fifteen years old. 

In this context, sexual contact means any touching or fondling of the child’s genitals or anus by any body part or object or otherwise causing them to do so. If you’re charged with child molestation in Phoenix, you face a Class 2 felony conviction.

Child pornography charges in Arizona are technically considered “sexual exploitation of a minor.” According to ARS §13-3553, this is defined as a person knowingly filming, recording, photographing, or duplicating any depiction of a minor participating in sexual acts. Distributing, possessing, and transmitting sexually explicit material is also covered under the law, as is possessing, manufacturing, selling, or purchasing a child sex doll. 

his crime is typically considered a Class 2 felony, but a child porn sentence in Arizona carries enhanced penalties if the minor is younger than 15 years old. These charges are very serious and require the help of an experienced Phoenix child pornography defense lawyer to mitigate the potential penalties.

ARS §13-3554 covers online solicitation of a minor in Arizona, or as it’s legally called “luring a minor for sexual exploitation.” A person may be charged with this crime if they try to engage in sexual relations with someone they know or should know is a minor. It doesn’t matter if the person they’re talking to isn’t actually a minor; they can still be prosecuted.

Luring a minor for sexual exploitation is considered a serious crime, classified as a Class 3 felony in Arizona. If the minor is under 15 years old, the punishment is even more severe.

Arizona’s voyeurism law can be found under ARS §13-1424, which defines voyeurism as unlawfully and knowingly invading the privacy of another person without that person’s consent and for the purpose of sexual stimulation. Privacy is considered invaded if:

  • The person doesn’t expect to be recorded.
  • The recording happens while the person is undressed, engaged in sexual activity, using the bathroom, or shows private parts not visible to the public.

It is also illegal to share or publish any recordings taken while invading another person’s privacy and without their consent. This is generally a Class 5 felony, but if the person is recognizable in the recording, it is considered a Class 4 felony in AZ.

Under ARS §13-1402, exposing the genitals, anus, or a woman’s breast (with the exception of breastfeeding) is considered the crime of indecent exposure in Arizona. This holds true particularly when the defendant commits the act knowing that someone would be offended or alarmed. 

Indecent exposure to someone 15 years old or older is considered an Arizona Class 1 misdemeanor. If the act involved a victim under the age of 15, or if the defendant has two or more historical priors, it is elevated to a Class 6 felony. If the defendant has two or more felony convictions for indecent exposure specifically and the victim is under 15, it is further increased to a Class 3 felony in Arizona. Depending on the severity of the offense, a conviction can lead to anywhere between 6 months in jail and 15 years in prison.

Public sexual indecency and indecent exposure are similar in nature, but they are not the same under Arizona law. ARS §13-1403 states that a person commits public sexual indecency in Arizona when, in the presence of another person, the intentionally or knowingly engage in any of the following acts:

  • Sexual contact
  • Oral sexual contact
  • Sexual intercourse
  • Bestiality

In general, public sexual indecency is classified as a Class 1 misdemeanor, but if the sexual conduct is performed in the presence of a minor under the age of 15, it is upgraded to a Class 5 felony.

Under ARS §13-3214, it is illegal for anyone in the state of Arizona to engage in prostitution, which is when someone offers or accepts money in exchange for sexual favors. Here’s what happens if you’re convicted of prostitution in Arizona:

  • First Offense: If you’re caught and convicted for the first time, you must spend at least 15 days in jail before being eligible for probation or having your sentence reduced.
  • Second Offense: For the second conviction, you must spend at least 30 days in jail. Again, you can’t get probation or have your sentence reduced until you’ve served all 30 days.
  • Third Offense: A third conviction for prostitution requires at least 60 days in jail and the completion of a court-ordered education or treatment program. 
  • Fourth or Subsequent Offense: If you have three or more previous convictions, it becomes a more serious crime: a Class 5 felony. If convicted, you must spend at least 180 days in jail.

People often use the terms “pimping and pampering” synonymously, though Arizona only recognizes the term pandering. As prescribed by ARS §13-3209, pandering involves someone convincing or coercing another person to be a prostitute. 

A person may be found guilty of pandering in Arizona, which is a Class 5 felony, if they  knowingly:

  • Place someone in charge or custody of another person for the purpose of prostitution;
  • Place someone in a house of prostitution with the intent that they become a prostitute or engage in acts of prostitution;
  • Encourage someone to reside with them or with any other person for the purpose of prostitution; or 
  • Encourages someone to become a prostitute or engage in an act of prostitution.

Law enforcement agencies are cracking down hard on computer crimes in Arizona, especially those involving sex crimes. Internet sex crimes can include a range of sexual offenses committed over the internet, computer, or digital devices, all of which can have severe legal and personal consequences. These crimes include things like child pornography, (particularly when it involves minors), online solicitation of a minor, and even sexting (see Arizona’s sexting laws here).

Other internet sex crimes include sex trafficking, where victims are coerced or forced into sexual exploitation via online platforms, and cyberstalking, which involves using the internet to harass or threaten someone sexually. These offenses are heavily prosecuted and can result in significant prison sentences, hefty fines, and mandatory registration as a sex offender.

Arizona’s revenge porn laws can be found under A.R.S. § 13-1425. This statute makes it illegal to intentionally disclose sexually explicit images or videos of someone without their consent, especially when done to harm, harass, or humiliate the individual.

Violating this law is generally classified as a Class 5 felony, which can result in prison time, hefty fines, and a criminal record. Penalties may be more severe if the victim is recognizable or if the offender has a prior criminal history.

Sex Crime Defense in Phoenix

Crafting a Strong Sex Crimes Defense Strategy

Building a strong sex crime defense strategy requires a very meticulous and strategic approach from an experienced legal team. With every case we take on, our Phoenix criminal defense attorneys at Belén Law Firm closely scrutinize every piece of evidence the prosecution intends to use against our clients to secure a sex crime conviction. 

Armed with a thorough understanding of each case, our sex crime lawyers drive the case towards the best possible outcome, whether that is convincing the state of Arizona to dismiss or reduce the charges against or crafting a successful defense at trial.

Though every case is unique, our defense strategies typically include:

  • Clear Communication: Ensuring the defendant understands their rights, the charges, and the potential consequences at every stage.
  • Thorough Investigation: Comprehensive gathering and examination of all evidence, including witness statements, physical evidence, and digital records.
  • Detailed Case Analysis: Identifying inconsistencies, gaps, and weaknesses in the prosecution’s case.
  • Expert Witnesses: Utilizing forensic experts, psychologists, and other professionals to provide testimony that supports the defense.
  • Pre-Trial Motions: Filing motions to suppress evidence, dismiss charges, or challenge the legality of the prosecution’s actions.
  • Strong Cross-Examination: Effectively questioning the prosecution’s witnesses to expose biases, inaccuracies, or lack of credibility.
  • Alternative Explanations: Presenting alternative scenarios or explanations that create reasonable doubt.
  • Character Evidence: Providing evidence of the defendant’s good character and reputation to counter the allegations.
  • Negotiation Skills: Skilled negotiation with prosecutors to potentially reduce charges or secure favorable plea deal.
  • Preparedness for Trial: Being thoroughly prepared for trial, including rehearsing testimonies and arguments.
  • Legal Precedents: Leveraging past court decisions that may support the defense’s case.
  • Post-Trial Strategies: Preparing for potential appeals or post-conviction relief, if necessary.
Phoenix Sex Crime Charges

Potential Arizona Sex Crime Defenses

Depending on the circumstances surrounding your case, several defenses may be available. This includes:

  • Insufficient evidence
  • Offering proof that someone else committed the crime
  • False accusations
  • False witness testimony
  • Mistaken identity
  • Inappropriate misleading witness interviews
  • Faulty forensic testing conclusion
  • Illegal search and seizure
  • Witness, prosecution, or police bias


Sex crime cases often come down to whose version of events is more believable. In some cases, there may also be mitigating circumstances that can help your defense and support a lesser charge or sentence. When the state’s charges don’t hold up, the charges may even be dropped or dismissed.

Whatever the facts of your case, the criminal defense lawyers at Belén Law Firm have the skill and experience to bring these defenses to life in the courtroom.

Aggressively Defending Against False Allegations

Unfortunately, false accusations are more common than you might think, as people may maliciously accuse another person of a sex offense for revenge, to sway a child custody dispute, or a number of other reasons. The Belén Law Firm aggressively defends against false sex crime allegations, ensuring that every client receives a fair and just trial. 

An experienced Phoenix sex crimes lawyer on our team will meticulously investigate your case, scrutinizing all evidence and identifying inconsistencies in the prosecution’s claims. We’re fully prepared to challenge false sex crime allegations by presenting compelling evidence and advocating fiercely for our client’s rights and reputations.

Phoenix, AZ Sex Crimes Attorney

Consequences for Sex Crime Convictions

Sex crime convictions in Arizona carry severe penalties, including a lengthy prison sentence, expensive fines, and the loss of basic rights, especially if the sexual offense is considered a Dangerous Crime Against Children. Not only that, but your reputation can be permanently marred by a sex crime conviction, which can affect your income, relationships, and future opportunities.

A number of sex crimes also require mandatory sex offender registration. When you are on the list, your photo, address, and information about your criminal conviction is available to the public. This alone can take a heavy toll on your ability to live a normal life.

Arizona Sex Offender Registration

In Arizona, individuals convicted of certain sex crimes are required to register with the state’s sex offender registry. This mandatory sex offender registration includes providing personal information, such as your name, address, and details of the offense, which is then made publicly accessible. 

Juvenile offenders generally remain on the registry until they turn 25, but for everyone else, lifetime sex offender registration is required, meaning the individual must remain on the registry for the rest of their life. 

Arizona classifies individuals convicted of sex crimes into different Arizona sex offender levels, which determine the severity of their registration requirements and the level of supervision they may face. Regardless, the consequences of registration are far-reaching, affecting various areas of your daily life, including housing, employment, and even social interactions. Being listed on the sex offender registry also leads to public stigma, restricted residency options, and limited job opportunities, making it crucial for those facing sex crime charges in Arizona to seek help from an experienced Phoenix criminal defense attorney ASAP to potentially avoid these long-term impacts.

Phoenix Sex Crime Defense Lawyer

Why Choose Belén as Your Phoenix Sex Crimes Attorney?

Facing charges for a sexual offense in Arizona is a serious, daunting situation that requires immediate and experienced legal intervention. That’s why it’s incredibly important that those who find themselves involved in a sex crime case equip the services of a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible to navigate the legal process effectively. 

When you work with the Belén Law Firm, you’ll receive personalized attention, compassionate advice, and aggressive advocacy from an experienced Phoenix sex crimes lawyer. With a deep understanding of Arizona’s legal system and a proven track record in handling a number of high-profile sex crime cases, the Belén Law Firm is prepared to aggressively defend your rights and achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

Call Right Away for a Free Initial Consultation With One of Our Phoenix Sex Crime Attorneys

Sex crime cases are often difficult because the accuser and alleged perpetrator are often the only ones who actually know what happened. Additionally, there are some who use these types of allegations as weapons. They can be used to create leverage in child custody cases and sometimes even used as a method of retaliation. Once these allegations have been made, it can be impossible for the accused to fully recover his or her reputation.

Regardless of the accusations against you, you always have the right to be presumed innocent until the state of Arizona proves its charges. Our Phoenix sex crimes attorneys at the Belén Law Firm are here to help make sure that doesn’t happen.

For dedicated and aggressive sex crime defense in Phoenix, AZ and throughout Central Arizona, call Belén today at  (602) 715-0908 to discuss your case. We offer free case evaluations and are available 24/7. 

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